Munds Wagon Trail Sep 10

Following the old wagon trail that was the original Schnebly Hill Road
P9230807   MUNDS WAGON TRAIL P9230808 P9230809 P9230810
P9230811 P9230812 P9230813 P9230814
P9230815 P9230816 P9230817 P9230818
P9230819 P9230820 P9230821 P9230822
P9230823 P9230824 P9230825 P9230826
P9230827   Some washes are still running after recent rains P9230828 P9230829 P9230830
P9230831 P9230832 P9230833 P9230835
P9230836 P9230837 P9230839 P9230840
P9230842 P9230843 P9230844 P9230845
P9230846 P9230847   Our lunch spot P9230848 P9230849
P9230850 P9230851 P9230852 P9230853
P9230854 P9230855   Mud! P9230856 P9230857
P9230858 P9230859 P9230860 P9230861
P9230863 P9230864 P9230865 P9230867
P9230868   An Arizona cypress P9230869   Mitten Ridge P9230870 P9230871
P9230872 P9230873 P9230874 P9230875
P9230876 P9230877 P9230878 P9230881
P9230882 P9230883 P9230884 P9230885